General terms

General terms and conditions

of use of the available information through the AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD Web site

regarding the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation

These terms and conditions govern the relations between AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD with seating and management address 102 Bulgaria Blvd. 1618 Sofia, Bulgaria and any person who visits the pages of the web site, (hereinafter as the “user”), regarding the use of the information and the services (hereinafter as the “services”), provided through this internet web site.

By accessing the AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD Web site, you must accept the terms and conditions set out below. Otherwise, you may not use these pages. By going through any hyperlink on the pages, you declare that you are aware, accepting and undertake to abide by these Terms and Conditions. AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD reserves the right to change these terms at any time and without prior notice.

The content of the AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD web pages are copyrighted. It is forbidden to copy, transmit, distribute and store any or all content in any form without the prior written consent of AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD unless this is inconsistent with the conditions set forth herein. The visitor has the right to view and copy the information on this web site, as well as to print extracts from these pages for their personal use only. You are permitted to use this site and its contents for personal, non-commercial purposes. The disclosure of press releases and other documents classified as public in the media is permitted if the source is cited. No changes, reproduction, distribution, direct transmission, display, presentation, reproduction, publication, authorization or sale of any information owned by AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD and this web site are permitted.

Using services through web pages is free for users. If using the services under these policies requires paid services by the user of the web site, the user has to pay for these services.

This web site and its content are published for user convenience. AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD does not guarantee that the web pages are free of errors and that the access to them is uninterrupted. AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD reserves its right to edit the pages and terminate access to them at any time. AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD undertakes to take all reasonable steps to publish secure and quality information on its pages, but we should warn all users of the web site that errors and omissions as well as delays in updating the data may appear on the web site and AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD is not responsible for them.

Within the permitted by the law, AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD does not give any warranties of any kind, either direct or indirect, including but not limited to warranties of rights or their inviolability, as well as implied warranties of merchantability or suitability for a particular purpose, in relation to the accessibility, accuracy, reliability, or content of these pages. AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or losses or disruption of the business activity caused by the use of this service, even if AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD has been warned of the likelihood of such damages.

AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD owns the copyright on this web site. AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD is the author of all the materials on the site. All texts or parts of text, as well as images on this site, are owned by AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD and are protected by the Copyright and Related Rights Act. The user can not copy and use information from the site for commercial purposes without the knowledge and written permission of AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD All rights reserved. When using materials from the pages of the web site, the user undertakes to fully adhere to the established limitations and conditions here, unless otherwise agreed by contract. Copying at this point material – text, graphics, image, photos, logo, etc. from this site will be pursued with the full force of the law.

In the use of this site, the user undertakes not to use the data and information, the photographic material and any other materials owned by AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD for acts prohibited by law or incompatible with these conditions. By sending materials to the server of AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD, by e-mail or through the web site, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

 а) The materials must not contain anything that is out of the law or is in any way inappropriate for publication;

  1. b) You agree that you do not take action against AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD in relation to the material you have provided and release us from liability if a third party takes action against us in connection with material you have provided.

AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD does not review the content of materials provided by users on its site and is not responsible for such content. AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD may at any time, in its sole discretion, remove any material sent by users.

The logo of AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD, the brands of the products owned by AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD are trademarks of AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD. The product or company names mentioned on this site may be trademarks or trade names. Your access to this site should not be construed as resulting from the default, legal act or otherwise granting a license or right to use any trademark. Any unauthorized use or abuse of these trademarks is expressly prohibited and constitutes a breach of trademark law, copyrights of other intellectual property rights, or unfair competition laws.

AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD has the right to terminate unilaterally and without notice the access to the provided services if the user with his actions violates the good name of AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD violates the current legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria or the international acts or threatens the operational capacity of the program and technical means by which services are provided, including other operators and suppliers.

AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD is not responsible for the following:

  1. in the event that in case of violation of the functionality of the software or technical support of other operators on the Internet, the user cannot use partially or completely the capacities of the provided services;
  2. in the case of losses, lost profits and other damages caused to the user as a result of using the Services on his part, as well as for the inability to use the services;
  3. the inability of the user to use each individual Service;

in third party claims against the user, related to the use of the services;

  1. for distribution of messages, obscene or offensive texts and / or images, on a religious or political basis. In the event of unlawful actions in this respect, AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD has the right to use all technological and legal measures for detecting the offenders and informing the competent authorities.

By accepting these Terms of Use, the users of the site give their indefinite, explicit and unconditional consent to their possible explicit written revocation, the personal data and other data that they identify in the process of using the Site provided by them in filling in the registration form to be collected, stored, processed and used by the Company and its authorized third parties for business analyzes in order to improve the services provided by the Company for marketing and advertising purposes and analyzes of Company to provide information about marketing campaigns, promotions, and lotteries organized by the Company, except in the event of a Distinctive Disagreement by the User sent to the following e-mail address:…………….

The provision of Personal Data is entirely voluntary on the part of the User and he may at any time obtain information about the use and processing of his Personal Data and request that his Personal Data account to be deleted, by sending a written request to the following e-mail address: …………..

It is the duty of the User to protect the confidentiality of the username and password of his Account in order to avoid unauthorized access through and the unauthorized use thereof. In the event of a Client’s suspicion of unauthorized access and misuse of his Account, he must immediately contact the Company.

The Company will not require by phone or e-mail from the User to disclose the password of its Account, its credit card number, bank account details or other similar information. Upon receipt of such a request by telephone or by e-mail from a Customer, he must ignore it and immediately contact the Company.

According with GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the Protection of Individuals regarding to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of such Data and the Personal Data Protection Act, the personal data of the clients of AXION GROUP Total Asset Management LTD are collected, processed and stored in accordance with the Declaration for privacy, which can be found at: ……………..

Only a user who has accepted these terms and conditions may use the services under these terms and conditions.

All outstanding matters not regulated in these general conditions shall be governed by the provisions of the legislation in force in the Republic of Bulgaria.

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